Saturday, February 14, 2015

Special Feature: 101 Dalmatians

I pre-ordered 101 Dalmatians and was really excited to receive it this week.

I know the blog is complete, but I just couldn't resist having another Disney dinner for the dogs (or puppies in this case)!!

It was Valentine's Day weekend and, since we didn't have big plans for the day, we decided to do the movie and dinner!

The movie ended up being a good one for Valentine's Day, because it was kind of a nod to the city we first talked in (101 Dalmatians was based in London) and it all started very romantically (Pongo chasing Perdy and setting up Anita and Roger).

Let's do a recap, shall we?

Unusual breed.

Too short-coupled (well, I say that is a little offensive seeing as I'm vertically challenged!).

Much too fancy.

Too old.

Too young.

The most beautiful creature on four legs.

Pongo even said he'd never find a pair like that even if he looked for years (Aww! Good, feel-good, lovey-dovey Valentine's stuff)!

Speaking of Valentine's Day, I wore this Mickey shirt for the occasion and Justice got me this Cinderella Jim Shore Disney piece to add to my collection.

This ended up being meaningful to this dinner (other than it was a Valentine's gift), because of a connection I learned of that existed between Cinderella and 101 Dalmatians.

I learned of this connection, and other really fun facts about the book and movie, on this site ( Highly recommend reading this article, if you get the chance.

That connection was Betty Lou Gerson.

Betty Lou was the narrator for Cinderella AND....

was the voice of Cruella De Vil!

Note: Cruella was truly an awesome villain.

"If she doesn't scare you, no evil thing will!"

Catchy Roger, catchy.

Anyways, pretty cool, huh?

Also, when I woke up the next morning, I saw this on my Timehop app on my iPhone.

Oops, sorry Rolly! Of course I did!

Here is the menu!

I started with Kanine Krunchies.

These were shown in a commercial after the puppies' favorite show starring Thunderbolt.

Since I'd already made dog chow for Lady and the Tramp, I wanted to do something else.

Therefore, I bought some Reese's Puffs and "dressed up" the front of the box to look like Kanine Krunchies.

Should I be concerned how much it looks like dry dog food?


Next, I wanted to do something that ALL the dogs would like.

The puppies were found/helped through the "Twilight Bark", a communication network of dogs, and many other animals along the way (including a cat, a horse, and some cows!).

In honor of the network, I many some "dog bones".

I found this recipe here (

Sidenote: On their way to home, the puppies encountered a frozen river. I had a business trip on the Monday after this dinner and the plane I was on spent an hour and a half on the runway getting ice scraped off of it. Ice is no joke.

Puppies make it cuter, though!

Lastly, I made a Dalmatian cake to go with the movie's title and main characters!

The recipe I used is here (

It came out great (I kind of cheated and used the pre-made frosting), but I would suggest not including the oats unless you are looking for a bit more texture.

Here is the whole thing!

I didn't really have a food add-on this time, but I DID print out these newspaper articles about the puppies.

Dognapping is no laughing matter, Cruella!

Some people...

Don't worry Cruella was the crying imbecile in the end.

The movie ended happily ever after with soot-covered dogs, dancing nannies and "pets", and a song about a dalmatian plantation!

That's it for this special showing of 101 Dalmatians.

Happy Valentine's Day, darlings!

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