Saturday, November 1, 2014

Oliver & Company

Week 25:

This week we journey to a place I have always wanted to visit.

Birthplace of Broadway,

the city with it's own rhythm,

known as the Big Apple,

and home to the coolest gang of dogs since the poker playing pooches.

That's right, NYC (New York City)!!

Tito says it its time to eat.

Actually, he said, "I say it is time to eat. Come on man, I'm hungry."

Cool it, Tito or you will be eating dog biscuits with Fagin!

Alright, Ignacio Alonzo Julio Federico de Tito , here is the menu.

I began with sausage links.

This was a typo.

I really meant hot dogs. Maybe it was the fact that they were linked in the movie?

Anyway, this pays tribute to how Oliver and "the Dodge" first met.

It was brotherhood at first theft!

There has, apparently, been a long running rivalry between Chicago and New York for not only their pizza styles, but their hot dogs. Kind of like the cat versus dog thing.

Since I haven't been to New York, I kinda had to improvise.

I think I got pretty close with Nathan's famous hot dogs (a Coney Island favorite).

I added ketchup to mine, while Justice dressed his in Chicago toppings.

You can take the hot dog out of Chicago, but not the Chicago out of the hot dog!

Either way you have it, I am sure Dodger and Oliver would've approved. Louie on the other hand....

Not sure what he approves of!

Next, we had deli sandwiches with chips.

New York is known for it's deli sandwiches, so I decided to pay tribute to that by going to Fort Smith's own New York City Deli!

Yup, those ARE homemade chips you see!

Lastly, to keep with the New York theme, we had cheesecake!

Now, New York City Deli has DELICIOUS NY-style cheesecake with strawberries, BUT I have been wanting to try a specialty cheesecake store in the mall here for AGES!

This was my chance, and I was taking it!

So, I got an individual Oreo cheesecake and an individual strawberry cheesecake.

Aren't they cute?!

It may not have been as picturesque (nice word usage, I say),

(Not cool, Francis Frankie, not cool!)

but having these instead of the HUGE slice of cheesecake at the deli saved me a few calories.

Definitely important with my nuptials coming nearer!

Now for the add-on!

I HAD to do something for Oliver's "rescuer" and "tag-giver", Jenny.

I mean, that IS a nice tag.

In the movie, Jenny makes Oliver a special treat, Oeufs a la Jenny avec Cocoa Krispies , which is how Oliver comes face-to-face with Georgette for the first time.

Funny, my kitchen looks the same way after Disney dinners.

Eating out of her bowl probably didn't leave the best first impression, Oliver.

Anyways, I recreated Jenny's recipe using this ( and adding some Cocoa Krispies, of course!

The color was spot on in person.

Not so much in the picture but, hey,

It tasted good anyway!

There you have it!

Short and sweet!

Here is the whole thing!

Justice had never seen Oliver & Company, a shame in my opinion (it was one of my favs), and YOU may not have seen these little Easter Eggs in the movie before either!

Our other favorite dog gang from Lady and the Tramp,

Briar Rose taking a diplomatic visit to the U.S.,

Pongo in his wild days,

and Ratigan and Scooby-Doo rounding out Georgette's many admirers.

Something that has always bothered me, though, is how did a RAT make the shelf?

Speaking of shelves, that reminds me of Professor Slughorn's shelf in Harry Potter.

Seeing as it was Halloween this weekend and I didn't draw Monster's Inc. (I know, a shame, but it WAS National Cat Day this week and Jenny made it FACEBOOK OFFICIAL!), Justice and I decided to watch Harry Potter along with my annual viewing of Hocus Pocus instead of dressing up.

Here are some throwback costumes, though. Just so you don't feel deprived and so I can show off my Lucy (I am most proud of that costume!).

I have made themed snacks for both of these movies before. Including butterbeer, chocolate frogs, Winifred's hat, and one of the Sanderson's sister's brooms (pre-vacuum cleaner).

I even got onto the platform!

Since I had been there, done that and am visiting the Wizarding World on my Disneymoon, I decided to pick up some Every Flavour Beans to get in the spirit!

My future sister-in-law introduced me to these and even gave me a HP cookbook, but I didn't want to dive into that.

The last person that did, never came out (wink, wink)!

Side note.

These opening lyrics are sometimes a part of my morning routine...STILL!

Hey, its catchy and describes my feelings in the morning exactly, ok?!


It was Justice's turn to draw and it will be...

Just one of his FAVORITE Disney movies of ALL TIME, The Jungle Book!

And more catchy songs for me!

Until then, stay cool

and maybe work on that!

Coming Soon: The Jungle Book

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